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A proposal by
David Lionel
Earth Television Public Education Foundation
lioneltv@aol.com - TEL: 310 795-4910

Edited by
Rob Wheeler




Through a series of gatherings, the many actors already working to reform the UN are beginning to coalesce into an effective movement. The following project description should help the process of forming a better organized Campaign to Empower the United Nations.

A tailor made setting to constitute such an ongoing joint venture is the November 19 - 20 "Reclaim Our UN" international seminar in Padua, Italy. Following up on their recent trip to Europe, Rob Wheeler and David Lionel, two American world citizen activists, have prepared this strategy plan and are ready to work cooperatively with the participants in Padua on it, especially the Ubuntu World Forum of Civil Society Networks, to the extent that there is interest in it.

This plan includes a description of the overall strategy, reports on the outcomes of Rob Wheeler and David Lionel's recent European meetings, describes the sequence of significant UN Reform events scheduled through 2005, identifies a Top Twenty Transformations of the UN to promote, names likely co-sponsors and partners, discusses how to align the major social movements behind this specific sets of changes to the world system, and then imagines highly purposeful, participational, and televisable stagings of three of the upcoming happenings.

The overall campaign could include and be based on developing a specific list of primary proposals for UN Reform; agreement by specific organizations to take a leadership role in organizing and promoting each of these; encouraging our major social movements to join in and support the campaign; developing both a coordinated and decentralized means to support all of the individual efforts and proposals; and the development of a fundraising plan to underwrite the overall campaign.

In addition we could link all of the events of the coming year together as a part of one unified campaign; televise our events; rework our workshop proposals for Porto Alegre to more effectively support and promote the campaign; and take advantage of and support the UN 60 activities in San Francisco to launch and promote the Campaign to Empower the UN in the United States. These ideas are briefly presented in the Summary and discussed in more detail in the Paper below.

One of our principal strategies could be to highlight a manageable number of concrete and actionable UN Reform Proposals. The most active organizations in each field could provide leadership to organize and promote the proposals in their issue area. Several governments are already providing leadership with the movement and with its events, notably Finland and Tanzania, sponsors of the related Helsinki Process.

The January 25 - 30, 2005 World Social Forum Track 11 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, looks like the best venue for many of the groups focusing on UN Reform to agree on a list of specific proposals that most could join in backing. Our objective would be to agree on and draft a specific and detailed plan for instituting each of these new or enhanced UN reforms. We need to develop compelling messages advocating UN empowerment and find ways to deliver them that interest the mass public, encourage people's participation, and tell them how they can contribute to the movement.


Rob Wheeler and David Lionel spent three weeks during fall 2004 in a small Citroen C2 traveling through Europe to attend four meetings. These were organized by or with UBUNTU, the Consultative Assembly of the Peoples Congress, leading Members of the European Parliament on UN reform, and the World Civil Society Forum.

During our trip we raised the idea of bringing all of the different conferences and initiatives focusing on UN Reform together as a part of one unified Campaign to Reform the UN and other International Institutions, building from our participation in and activities of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in January 2005. Both a Parliamentary Assembly and a Global Civil Society Forum at the UN also emerged as viable, practical possibilities during our conversations with a number of people.

By linking all of the various events, proposals, and activities together as a part of one unified campaign, we could make substantial headway towards achieving our common goal of calling on the UN to sponsor a global conference or convention on the reform of the United Nations and other International Institutions. However we should continue to play a primary role in preparing for and defining what this conference will be.


A series of conferences, meeting around the world, string like stepping stones over the next year's calendar. By purposefully linking these together as a part of one common campaign, we can build a cumulative force that will leave a lasting imprint on the pubic mind.

This is one route to transformational change. When enough people around the world get the idea of the advantages of having a functioning global system designed to serve all our needs, it will happen. Our job as an informed vanguard is to fill in the trip ticket. Working together as global civil society leaders, we can map the route to the world in which it is possible for humanity to live.

At each conference we can plan in specific ways that the world community can support and promote both the individual initiatives and the overall campaign.

The November 2004, Padua, Italy international seminar plans to serve as a preparatory meeting for Track 11: "International Democratic Order" at the Fifth World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil. There in January 2005, a prototype World Parliament could promulgate a plan to comprehensively reform the UN. At March California Global Dialogues, the UN Foundation intends to put forward the newly released recommendations of the Secretary-General's High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change.

In May, the Montreal, Canada Global Democracy Conference thoroughly reviews civil society's options and responsibilities toward global governance. San Francisco, California's June 26 60th UN Charter Day offers an unmistakable opportunity to acknowledge the UN's nurturance of global civilization these six long decades since World War Two. The ceremony, having drawn the world's attention, we could project a vision of a better future through an empowered UN.

Helsinki, Finland, in early September showcases the Helsinki Process, sponsored by Finland and Tanzania. They exemplify the crucial role of enlightened governments in bringing about UN Reform. Mobilizing a small group of member states is an obviously essential leverage tool to help move the world community and United Nations.

The Millennium Development Goals + 5 Special Session at the UN later in September will bring to New York many heads of state. This is an excellent occasion to push for fundamental improvements to the world system. The European Union as a block may again propose a World Environment Organization to help speed transition to renewable energy. An international currency exchange tax and universal developing country debt relief could both directly fund the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.


We have developed a specific list of proposals which we think could be fairly easily achieved in the not too distant future. We are putting these forward as an initial list from which to start the discussion as to which civil society thinks may be the most achievable and worth focusing primarily on. We are not suggesting however that the list of proposals that civil society works on, or puts forward, such be limited in any way to these few. Only that we should begin with a manageable list of proposals that we can begin to work on now and that will more succinctly define the campaign and its many potential benefits.

ALTERNATIVES TO WAR: Implement a Mediation and Conciliation service, non-violent Civilian Peace Force, and standing Peacekeeping Force; fund global peace education, de-alert nuclear weapons, and declare war illegal through the International Criminal Court.

SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE WITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Create an International Disaster Relief Service, Global Sustainable Energy Fund, and World Environment Organization; forgive all developing country debt, tax international currency transactions, and establish infrastructure to implement the Millennium Development Goals.

HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Institute universal jurisdiction for the International Criminal Court and hold a Charter Review Conference by 2010.

INTERNATIONAL LAW: Enforce Global Compact principles for member transnational corporations; integrate IMF, World Bank, and the WTO policies and practices with UN Declarations and Conventions; reconstitute the Security Council into eighteen voting units producing qualified majorities; and accord unconditional jurisdiction to the judgments of the International Court of Justice.

DEMOCRATIZING THE UNITED NATIONS: Establish a Parliamentary Assembly; a People's House; and a Global Civil Society Forum to each meet regularly at the UN.


A full bore Campaign to Empower the United Nations, promoting a select list of achievable near-term reforms, can bring all the active groups together under one umbrella. This operation requires administrative and strategic boldness and functionality. Conscientious fundraising can enlist co-sponsors, starting with those who have already identified themselves. For example, the Citizens for a United Nations People's Assembly, One World Now, and the UN Foundation could all support the organizational effort in the United States.

We need to develop competence to ask for commitments and manage resources in cooperation with ten other named significant networks, already working toward UN Reform. Potential partners could also include some fifty listed organizations and associations in related fields, each endeavoring to bring about a just, peaceful, and democratic international order.


This new Campaign to Empower the United Nations offers a possible way out of the powerlessness and inability to influence history facing the major social movements. Groups already aware of the need for UN Reform can strive to reorient such important advocacy coalitions toward realizing the advantages of joining this enterprise. Examples follow of attainable real world results that could motivate major movements to back given UN reforms.

Peace groups can support an expanded package of security protection services to prevent armed conflict. Development organizations could unite behind currency exchange fees and Third World debt relief to fund micro-credit for village cooperative enterprises. Defenders of human rights could work with those countries that have ratified the work International Criminal Court to encourage them to place and enforce lifetime travel restrictions on leaders who commit crimes against humanity or the peace.

Advocates of world peace through world law would likely support a reconstitution of the Security Council into eighteen voting units representing all member states. Crusaders for global democracy could get together around institutionalizing a Parliamentary Assembly of sitting national legislators, a democratically elected Peoples Assembly, and a Global Civil Society Forum of non-governmental organizations, all meeting regularly at the UN.


In place of the customary speakers and panels, consciousness raising conferences can program small group meet ups for interpersonal sharings, schedule interactive video screenings, and stage portions of their programs to provide source material for widely seen TV shows. Build into planning and budgets from the outset extensive outreach to the public about positive solutions through a strengthened UN. The following event descriptions re-imagine three upcoming happenings, as if they utilized such an alternative framework.

New York, New York, December 10, 2004

Professor Joseph Schwartzberg has developed a proposal to reconstitute the Security Council by creating eighteen regional voting units representing all nations. The UN Member States would form their own voting blocs which would be assigned a weighted vote based upon the size of their combined population, payment of UN dues, and number of states in each voting bloc. Their votes would amass to a qualified majority that could legitimately express the will of the world. With such a formula and system of representation in place, the veto power could be phased out and decisions made by the required majority vote.

Ambassadors and UN Mission staff are being invited to attend the Lucheon. Member country mission staff or substitutes would sit at one of eighteen tables according to Joe's proposed groupings, arranged as a rough map of the world. Then, during the program Professor Schwartzberg will briefly describe his proposal using a PowerPoint presentation.

Subsequent to the luncheon, a TV talk show would feature Dr. Schwartzberg and two or three sympathetic ambassadors. They review with a host the main considerations regarding this enlargement of the Security Council. After those on stage discuss each topic, the attending diplomats can share their responses with tablemates.

This could include: a sample of Report Backs from spokespersons for five tables, a reaction to these by the panel, and a host wrap-up end the formal program. Videotaping individual interviews follows. Promote through pre-publicity, plus provocative print ads and radio spots, a local New York TV screening of an edited 90:00 special shortly after the event. Whatever its actual viewership, the idea of weighted voting in a globally representative Security Council gains political credibility.


This plan proposes to formally organize and constitute a Campaign to Empower the United Nations during the November 19 ­ 20, 2004 Peace Roundtable meeting in Padua, Italy. Participants there can pre-establish areas to develop for the ongoing campaign. Using such a cooperative approach we could then conduct a purposeful, participational, ceremonial experience over the five days of the World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

We suggest holding a Model World Parliament to frame the campaign and choose a Top Twenty set of UN reforms. Porto Alegre presenters would take responsibility to address and lead efforts for specific proposals within this overall map of UN reforms. Their ongoing expertise and networks can facilitate progress toward enactment. Many of the workshops under Track 11 could include opportunities to bring people and organizations together to work on the various proposals and establish functional action teams.

Proposed scheduled events should also include interactively screening two specially designed videos, the 42:00 Action Agenda for the Earth Summary, and the 58:00 Article 109: Chartering and Empowering the United Nations. Recommended too are multiple entertainments: skits, pageants, and performances, plus solidarity enhancing, personally moving, collective experiences: parties, outdoor gatherings, envisionments, ritual ennoblements, and dances of universal peace.

We suggest that Both Track 11 and the entire World Social Forum could develop our own television outreach plans. At the 2003 Forum in TVE's studios, David Lionel laid the groundwork FOR THIS. TVE is a local Porto Alegre station similar to a US Public Broadcasting System (PBS) metropolitan educational channel.

In 2005, TVE could telecast locally, nationally, and globally live nightly studio conversations featuring international leaders and celebrated activists participating at the World Social Forum. These discussions would wrap around video excerpts culled from the day's happenings and short segments from documentaries that clearly shed light on selected issues.


The Citizens for a United Nations People's Assembly (formerly San Francisco Peoples Assembly - SFPA) has committed to develop beforehand, and to present during the June 26, 2005 UN 60th Charter anniversary, "a detailed UN revitalization program and action plan with an international media campaign for UN Reform."

The SFPA to date has been providing the Secretariat for the Campaign to Empower the United Nations in the United States but this will probably need to be further strengthened in order to carry out its responsibilities, both before and after the June 2005 San Francisco event. However, the crew already on board at SFPA can fill many of the positions that the US campaign will require.

The SFPA has committed a considerable budget for its UN 60th activities. However it could augment this with a challenge grant of $20,000 specifically for the activities described herein, along with the Empower the UN Campaign. This donation might synchronize with pledges for cash and services forthcoming from co-sponsors in Padua and Porto Alegre. The following event description presumes that SFPA, Ubuntu, and others can align their efforts. The resultant overarching Campaign to Empower the United Nations could then stage a significant three day convocation in San Francisco concurrent with the June 2005 UN Charter Day celebrations.

Friday, June 24: Campaign to Empower the United Nations US Debut. We can invite the endorsement of leading associations, organizers, and initiatives active in each focus area. Many will send representatives to San Francisco to participate in strategy sessions on building the ongoing global campaign and maximizing the impact of its self-promotion, especially in the US.

The Global Progressive Forum would likely bring a delegation to and help fund a gathering that has a strong impetus for UN Reform. Their inclusion could attract the progressive community in the United States. Member of the European Parliament Joe Leinen has said he would lead a delegation of legislators to San Francisco for UN 60, if we include a session centered on establishing a Parliamentary Assembly at the UN.

Saturday, June 25: Article 109 Working Meeting with Major Groups. A special one day Institute, sponsored by Benton Musslewhite of One World Now, will draw together advocates through Article 109 of the UN Charter of a Charter Review conference, planned to take place within the next five years.

Such a general conference may offer great opportunities for comprehensive reforms, alongside piecemeal approaches. Benton would like to see us start organizing the process, raising the necessary funds, arousing the grass roots, building momentum and political will, plus lobbying national governments.

To see where our visions are leading us, a Saturday night entertainment would tell in song, dance, and story a fable about the future establishment of "The World Parliament: How the People Found Their Voice."

Sunday, June 26: UN 60 Charter Fulfillment Day Telecast. We hope to communicate the content of our event and the UN 60 celebrations to a mass audience. Rather than depend on the initiative of the commercial media, we suggest securing co-sponsors to pay to stage, promote, and air our own broadcasts, in cooperation with local outlets providing program time.

The overarching theme of the proposed shows is the UN Past and Future. Independently producing and funding these presentations will enable us to control their content and frame the issues, in close cooperation with the UN and the UN Foundation.


DAVID LIONEL is a veteran video producer and editor. He has run his own production company since 1977, specializing in socially aware programming. He operates a studio plus post-production and distribution facility in Los Angeles with an office in New York, and works with civil society organizations to telecast their major events. Lionel's non-profit Earth Television Foundation facilitates interactive participational screenings of his World Citizen transformational videobooks.

David Lionel
Earth Television Public Education Foundation

1247 Lincoln Blvd. Suite 70 • Santa Monica, CA 90401
TEL: 310 795-4910
Fax: 212 - 666 - 4392



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